dr peyam

life changing integration by parts trick

Dr Peyam Trailer

Blackpenredpen vs. Dr. Peyam on convergent series (uncut, unscripted)

Dear calculus students, stop using u sub

arguing with a math PhD friend be like (unscripted, unedited)

Peyam’s reaction to blackpenredpen’s “1/3 of all positive integers are even”

a surprising differential equation

a fancy integral for a fancy mathematician

Math with Dr. Peyam (quick trailer)

Introducing 'Dr. Peyam's Show', ft Oreo

An afternoon with Dr. Peyam, (part1, HE LOVES TEACHING!)

Are you smarter than a first grader?

The happiest mathematician just got happier!!

FAST eigenvalues

What is a Surface Integral?

dear blackpenredpen, quadratic formula in UNDER one minute

the overly happy, Dr. Peyam (& Porto's Bakery)

a parabola fact you probably didn’t know

Dual Space

Dr Peyam Does Linear Algebra For You Guys (Trailer 2019)

What is a Homeomorphism

This integral will have you on the floor 🤣🤣

Rapping pi^e vs e^pi Like Dr Peyam

Infimum of a set